Thursday, May 6, 2010


When I read this book my mind take me to this is what the world would be like if Hitler won the war. how the media is controlling the public no way around it! For example you have to watch what you say around your kids cause they could get up arrested by the thought police because of a thought crime. Honestly if i had to live like that i think i would rather be a prole because they are not watched by the government and are free to say what they want. "But if there is any hope, it lay in the proles". This quote makes me think of all the revolutions were the poor class and or the working class of people rose up against the government. If there history wasn't rewritten all the time in the book i'am sure someone would read about the past rebellions and maybe want the same things as they wanted. For example freedom of speech or even freedom of thought for that matter. The people in the story are all brian washed but winston smith and the brotherhood are the people who stand out and realize that big brother is wrong. For me i would probably reilze what the government was doing but i would probably still just go with the crowd.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The long walk review

This book was great! lots of wondering and suspicion on to what happens next. most people dislike books that you know whats going to happen, this book you wont be disappointed. The long walk has a nice twist to it an very enjoyable to read. The concept of this book is simple really it is about a walk with one hundred contestants, The catch is only one person can win and so if you fall behind the line three times then your eliminated in other words killed off! You get to know the characters and all you wonder is who's going to fall behind and be cut off next. Its the kinda book that keeps you wanting more i was never bored didn't stop reading it till i was done. If i was to rate the book i would give it a 9 out of 10 for overall. The walker must maintain a speed of four miles per hour, if he drops below that he receives a verbal warning, if he drops below that for 30 seconds. This can be erased walking from an hour with out being warned. The major in the book is implied to have much power is made out to be representing a fascist state. The walk beings at Maine in Canada and travels the east coast of the united states untill winter. Also there is no finish line only till one walker is left standing. i recommend this book to who ever likes reading.

Monday, March 29, 2010

picture blog

A beautiful day no wind just warmth and everyone getting along. got to love the of warm summer breeze, the best time to enjoy the outside pool. Fresh aroma of daises and other wild flowers more of a tropical feel. yet also very interesting and confusing optical illusion. The man climbing the stairs to what looks like the same level is what makes this picture amazing. It mixes the mind up and tricks you. Now think about this would you be off the ground if you were at the top of the ladder? well he isnt the ladder is just straight up in the air an in the picture looks like ist touching the other side.
Well anyways one splash in this water and you will be so warm the perfect temperature not to hot not to cold. So how the weather is out side.

Monday, March 22, 2010


So to start this off I don't get why some people want to bag there milk like it has a handle on it its not that hard to carry and you only have to lift it in your car just a complete waste of a bag. You have a cart and everything, All you have to do is carry it in your house, apartment or other living spaces. But people still say oh i have to go up stairs honestly its not going to be any easier with a bag than a handle, plus its a waste of a bag. Other people think it will keep the milk cold well it wont help. furthermore the whole thing about going green is great people using the reusable bags, but really if you think about it it wont make much of a difference until the government stops making plastic bags all together. Also people say "save a bag" really your not your just postponing its use for another customer and sure if everyone helps out the company will need less bags but many people forget there reusable bags in there car or just don't care. That is why I think the government should stop making plastic bags to solve that problem.

Friday, February 19, 2010


My top three personal favorite breakfast cereals!. This evaluation will be based on a 3 point scale, each point will be scored out of ten. Therefore the cereal that smells the best, gets you charged for the morning and best of all the taste will win! Also will be judging in my opinion the most vile and disgusting cereals. For the unpleasant cereals there will only be a two point scale on taste and how healthy it is for you.

First cereal is lucky charms on the taste i would definitely rate it a solid 9 out of 10 because It has small marshmallows and other sugared shapes that explode with flavor in your mouth. I would say that this cereal definitely pumps me up for the morning with all the sugar in it i would give it a 8 out of 10. Also for the smell i would give it an 8 out of 10 to an all around pleasant cereal in the morning. Secondly is the delightful mini wheat's on the taste factor i would give uh.. about 8 out of 10. coded with frosty sugar substance that will light up your day 10 out of 10 for the morning. for smell i would give mini wheat's 7 out of 10 because is an ok smell just not great. Last for the enjoyable cereals is corn pops i would say about 9 out of 10 for the taste and about 8 out of 10 to wake you up in the morning. very pleasant smell would give corn pops a 9 out of 10.

To start it off first on the list is sheredys, for the taste part i would give them a 3 out of 10 just not very good tasting my opinion of course. Also this cereal doesn't really have that much of a nutrition will give it 5 out of 10. next is life much like the sheredys is very boring i would give it a 3 out of ten for taste because it has no pleasant taste like eating a block of wood. life is a pretty good cereal for you a solid 7 out of 10 for the nutrients and fiber. last is fiber one thought it is very good for you they taste really disgusting would give it a 1 out of 10 for taste and for the nutritional score it deserves a 10 out of 10 very good for you.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Reality warping Is the super power i would pick. i would do so many things with this power i could bend reality to make other people believe anything i want them to. The stronger warpers can even bend reality to change what there physical bodies look like. having the power you can rewrite the laws of physics and logic it self. To create life and alter matter,turn a persons desires into reality,stimulate any and all other powers and abilities Also bend time and space. I think that's just the best power out there! Now what i would do with this super power is obviously i would bend time and take over the world, not only that i would send people who would challenge me into a black hole.