Thursday, May 6, 2010


When I read this book my mind take me to this is what the world would be like if Hitler won the war. how the media is controlling the public no way around it! For example you have to watch what you say around your kids cause they could get up arrested by the thought police because of a thought crime. Honestly if i had to live like that i think i would rather be a prole because they are not watched by the government and are free to say what they want. "But if there is any hope, it lay in the proles". This quote makes me think of all the revolutions were the poor class and or the working class of people rose up against the government. If there history wasn't rewritten all the time in the book i'am sure someone would read about the past rebellions and maybe want the same things as they wanted. For example freedom of speech or even freedom of thought for that matter. The people in the story are all brian washed but winston smith and the brotherhood are the people who stand out and realize that big brother is wrong. For me i would probably reilze what the government was doing but i would probably still just go with the crowd.